Friday, 18 July 2014

12 week countdown to IFBB comp October 2014

12 week countdown to IFBB comp October 2014

So this is the first week of the 12 week countdown till the IFBB comp in October. I have been on plan for a few months now so my diet doesn't just dramatically change all of a sudden as I've been eating on plan for sometime. The difference would be just cutting down some of my carbs. But for me my first week is a little different! I had to get my wisdom teeth out... Nooooooooo!
This was only organised 2 weeks ago and I needed all four out asap.. So I booked the next available hospital appointment and that was that. I couldn't wait any longer as they were giving me a bit of grief and I thought its best out now before comp prep but it just so happens its the starting week.. But I thought I'd be fine, thought I could organise all my meals for when I recovered so my healthy soups and smoothies.. But boy was I wrong..

What I found was that I was extremely exhausted going into my 12 week countdown and I feel that this moment where I had to get my wisdom teeth out came for a reason. If I didn't rest now then I think I would of hurt my body in the long run. You see I push myself to the limits I never know when to stop or rest and it wasn't until someone asked me that question "how are you coping with comp prep" and I said im doing extremely well.. I have more energy when I eat right and loving training etc. but when they asked me about surgery and how I felt about that I then said "oh I'm really looking forward to having time to rest." So somehow I've contradicted myself and wasn't aware until being asked that question to follow. I didn't realise that that's how exhausted I was. I was excited to have surgery because I could rest? For me that meant; no meal prepping no training no working no cleaning or washing I was like yes I can do absolutely nothing. You see in comp prep the only thing that goes on in your mind is training, meal prep, working and sleep. There's no extra room in your mind for flexibility.. No time to think about anything else. This may just be me though as I haven't yet learnt to balance everything in life.. I find I don't have time to myself to just think or to spend time with my partner, family or friends. When I really thought about it I may see them but im not really with it.. Im constantly trying to get on top of everything in life like my meals and cleaning etc. and once its done im exhausted yet I know I have to repeat it all again in just a few days. So its very exhausting to think about and don't have much time for anything else especially a social life. But this is what its all about.. Im doing it for me and only me and I enjoy it.. Just got to find a balance so this is something im still learning to find.

So for post surgery I wanted to be organised and I felt I could carry on eating well even if I couldn't eat my proper meals I could still eat my smoothies I made and soups. but in all honesty no matter how hard I tried I couldn't eat the food I made.. You know that feeling your body tells you when your unwell to eat dry foods that's how I felt.. My body telling me to not have to think about food just eat what your craving. I tried to drink my smoothies I made but they didn't taste good and I made them Quite thick so wasn't easy to go down. Same as my soups I didn't blend them enough so the chicken was quite chunky. I could of blended them up but Nathan's mum was working night shifts so I couldn't blend them until she woke which was at 4pm that day and its now 9.30am and I'm starving. So I decided to have jelly.. Jelly was so easy to eat as you don't have to chew whatsoever.. Same as yoghurt, ice cream and mousses. I ended up eating all that food in the end because I couldn't move my mouth its easy for them to melt on your tongue and swallow and it cooled my mouth down. I also wasn't feeling like any of my food I had pre made I just felt like I couldn't stomach it so that's why I thought I'd eat what I could manage.. I also had no energy, the pain killers made me so drowsy I couldn't be bothered to make meals either so whatever I had in the fridge I would eat..

I have to admit I felt like my body needed to eat this food as I was about to get quite strict these next 12 weeks and I think I should of relaxed a little bit on my diet before hand and enjoyed some social times with my partner family and friends before I got into this next prep but I didn't so now im thinking this is what these days off are for. For me to relax and get back to thinking like myself again before I get myself back into prep.. Its been 3days now of not staying on plan and do I feel guilty..? Yes of course! but there's something that separates me from other people who dwell on that guilt. I don't give up. I accept I've eaten bad but happy to keep going and get back into it as soon as im recovered. Don't get stuck in that guilty rut! These few days I have been in the headspace where I understood why people want to give up. You start thinking 'meh I've already eaten bad I'll just start on Monday and people just keep pushing back the start date of eating right. But what helps me was thinking - eat the food I need to eat for recovery and when im ready I'll get back into it. There's no giving up you just accept you've eaten that type of food and move on and go ok I had a bad day of eating but I'll be back on track tomorrow and you just keep going never give up. Even today I wanted to be back on plan but im still not 100% better as I can't eat certain food but I'm trying.. I've included some of my plan food back into my diet so im easing myself back into it so by Monday I should be 100% again.

 In my head im thinking I've already stuffed up my comp prep as everyone else is already on plan perfectly. Then I thought.. So what!! So what if they have had a better start there's no reason why I can't get back into next week even if I had a bad start.. Im doing it for me.. Nothing else matters. I have been on plan for months before hand and its only this week that I've had a set back but you know what I'm not going to dwell on that feeling im going to keep pushing on as this is something I love doing and I want to continue it forever. Its not a diet, its not a one time thing, its something I do daily its my lifestyle so I cant wait to get back to feeling myself again:)

Winners are not people who never fail but people who never quit!

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