Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Power of the Mind

One thing I must start off with as I need to express to people - If you have a friend competing and doesn't place please reframe from saying things like "you so should of won" “next time you'll get it” "I don’t believe the girl who won should of" what you need to know & if you know them well enough is how hard they worked for it, the determination & the love for the sport.. that’s why we enter and we love to just show that anything is possible with the power of the mind. So make sure when they come of stage you realise they weren't up there just because they wanted to win.. They wanted this moment for probably soo many more other reasons and that’s what’s important. The girl who won would have worked her freekin ass off.. so bad mouthing her isn't going to make anything change or anyone else happier for that matter - be supportive & know we done this for us! We all deserve the same respect as we've all done our absolute best & couldn't be prouder. So be there for your friend and I’m sure the only words they are looking for from you is “I’m soo proud of you.” It’s all about them and know they've committed to this lifestyle for a very long time & this is when the support from family, friends & even strangers are there to appreciate everyone who walks on stage. It’s not easy & if it was everyone would be doing it. Everyone has had their own struggles and I bet if you asked anyone who has competed it would surprise you what they went through yet still made it to the stage!
 So please know all of us who compete "although it’s a competition" we don’t necessarily just have our eyes on winning and it isn't something you plan as you never know what judges are looking for on the day. Yes there is a certain criteria but as they state it depends who shows up on the day with girls with soft or hard physics to compare and every judges opinion is different as I’m sure the person next to you also has a different opinion to what you think on what they like.. We are all there for ourselves and love what we do.. So don’t always think we have to win or place to be happy as I’m sure if you speak to most people they were extremely happy just to make it to the stage! We all know we all would love to place & even better win but just know we are proud to even just be on stage and love people when the recognize & understand how much hard work goes into getting that body. We stand up there to help inspire people & we become stronger in both body and mind from the journey that we go through.

Competing is a power of the mind game. We go through so much. A lot of time, effort, money, stress goes into competing. Its something no one else can make us do we've got to be the ones to make it happen. The people who get on stage have the strongest mind set. I can’t even begin to explain how powerful our minds can be. We go through a lot of stress and I’m sure every one of us competitors have each wanted to give up. And some people do as it can take a lot out of you and can be extremely exhausting and lonely.  Our whole life can revolve around it. But even with everyday struggles and things that get thrown our way and we still keep pushing on now that’s power of the mind. Competing really tests your relationships, friendships and your strength. So if you want to compete you need to be emotionally ready.. If you have a lot going on in your life and everything is a bit messy then you may not enjoy the journey to the stage.

I love hearing personal experiences and journeys to the stage as I know everyone has a story & has had their own struggle. It can be so inspiring to listen to and also very informative as I’m sure not everyone has had a good experience and it’s important for people out there who are thinking of competing to know just so they have all the information to make a decision and to make sure they don’t go down that path. Its important to help others on their journey as I really don’t want any one competing to go down a hard road that could’ve been prevented. A lot of people who compete do one show and won’t do another for so many reasons and one being that they dieted so hard that they ruined their metabolism and that’s the last thing you want as honestly I feel people look to fitness models and competitor’s for inspiration and I’m sure the last thing we should portray is a bad lifestyle. For those who compete or are thinking about competing really think as to why you want to do it. Is it because you want to live a healthier lifestyle? If it is then stay on the natural path, see a nutritionist – look after your body, don’t take supplements you don’t need or don’t understand what they do. Don’t over train if your body is exhausted so take rest when your body needs it. I’m sure none of you want to ruin the metabolism you already have or have a massive blow out post comp.. So keep this in mind when you are competing.. stick to the reason as to why you started and don’t let anyone pursued you differently.

  I really want everyone to make sure when looking for a trainer and nutritionist that they have your best interests at heart, you need to tell them what you want. So ask yourself what would you like your trainer and nutritionist to be like? I must say I’m very lucky to of found such a great team – my nutritionist and trainer work closely together making sure every little detail is right with my training and eating so it all is on point. They both are so supportive with constant positive msgs and inspirational quotes. They seem to be like angels to me when I’m not feeling great. I would get a msg to see how I’m going or a msg of motivation and it’s just when I need it most. I can contact them when needed even if it’s something little like can I have peanut butter in my breakfast oats lol or when you say slow cardio do you mean level 6 on treadmill that sought of thing... So I always have that constant contact which keeps me on track and keeps me feeling like I have support the entire way. They both are so involved in my life that they’ve become great friends. I am truly grateful to have found my team so I hope when you’re looking for yours you keep in mind what it is you want in a trainer and nutritionist.

To get in contact with my Nutritionist Sinead you can find details on her website www.naednutrition.com.au – give her an email and go from there. Let her know I recommended you :) Or to have a browse and see what Sinead is all about find her on facebook - 
or Instagram - http://instagram.com/naednutrition

And to get in contact with my trainer Seaneen you can contact her via email aesthetically.you@hotmail.com or find her on fb - https://www.facebook.com/seaneencopeland.fitnessjourney?fref=ts

Please leave a comment or get in contact with me via facebook or Instagram if there’s anything I can help with or if you have a story of your own about competing good or bad I would love to hear from you to create awareness..:)

Find me on Facebook - www.facebook.com/CourtneyPiercyModel
Find me on Instagram - www.instagram.com/courtney_piercy

Link below is an interesting insight on what some supplements and drug taking can do.
